Community Expert Solutions

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Digital LinCS: We're excited to announce our latest project!

We are developing Digital LinCS as a product of Community Expert Solutions.

We bet you all have been wondering what we've been doing these past few months since we launch Community Expert Solutions (CES Global)! CES Global is a consulting company that uses crowdsourcing to identify innovative solutions to health problems. The idea for Digital LinCS originates from crowdsourced community ideas on how to improve access to health services. Digital LinCS will automate the process of determining people's eligibility and applying for wrap-around services like Patient Assistance Programs (PAPs). PAPs are programs provided through pharmaceutical companies that help people pay for expensive medications. Digital LinCS could save taxpayers millions a year by assisting patients in accessing support services, reducing personnel-related expenses, and generating revenue with more patient visits. The database will match users to eligible services, complete applications on their behalf, set up clinic appointments, and enable providers to track which services patients have accessed. Both patients and providers would access Digital LinCS as a tool to increase connectedness to wrap-around health services. Digital LinCS will help people with multiple health conditions, like HIV/AIDS, diabetes, mental health, cancer, and more.

We need your help to move to the next level.

Currently, we have leveraged several resources to design our implementation and marketing plans, design the functionality of Digital LinCS and build a database of resources. Now, we need the funding to develop and pilot Digital LinCS.

We also want to know your ideas about what services and resources should be included in the Digital LinCS database! Submit your ideas today!