We're co-sponsoring HIV Cure Research Day AND we're seeking volunteers!
Are you interested in helping us? Let us know below!
We are excited to begin promoting Digital LinCS in the community and we need your help! Our first major event will be co-sponsoring HIV Cure Research Day with the 2BeatHIV project! Our CEO, Dr. Allison Mathews, founded the 2BeatHIV project in 2015 to examine the use of crowdsourcing contests as a way to engage the public in HIV cure clinical trials. This year the 2BeatHIV project has officially had December 14 declared as HIV Cure Research Day by the state of North Carolina! Help us celebrate!
We will have a table where people can take a test run through a prototype of the Digital LinCS platform and give us feedback. Can't wait to see you!
Here are some other ways you can help us out. Let us know if you're interested!